Module 6: Inspirational Writing

We all have our stories, so what’s yours? Now that you know a bit about me… what is your story? What brought you here to this course, now? During this course, we will be doing some inspirational writing, which differs from automatic writing, a form of mediumship. Both allow information to flow through as you are allowing your conscious mind to go free, but automatic writing allows spirit beings into your space where as inspirational writing is coming from within YOU and only YOU.

If you are done with that intention, to only communicate as YOU. In this writing, you will pull from your subconscious anything that is wanting to come through and it is advised that you not worry about spelling or grammar and just allow to flow what comes up and read it later. And now, we’re going to journal so you can tell your story – “who you are.”

Let it flow, don’t get caught up in the story just tell it the way you have been telling it for years and years. 100% of the people I talk to have been telling the same story over and over and over for years to the point that there is no emotion attached anymore, this is the “story” we want written so that we can light it on fire! Literally!

Activity 1: Inspirational Writing – A few brief tips on how to get into a state where inspirational writing is easy, a story about how I did it without realizing I was doing it, and so that they don’t feel intimidated by it a few examples of inspirational writing that they do everyday when they are at their computer emailing people.

1.)Write your story do not proofread it or even read it yet.

Complete and Continue  